At the end of February of this year, we received Fr. Jesus Fernandez President of our community, with the same strong and hopeful spirit with which the apostle St. Paul manifested in the various walks, visits and trips he made to the diverse Christian communities. In turn, the president spent these few days with great apostolic fervor with all the Idente sisters and brothers of New York.
This meaningful step in our mission of New York has signified, under various important meetings, the development and expansion of our Institution. One of these meetings has been with Dr. Manuel Trujillo, a psychiatrist, for the initiation of a symposium in psychiatry, psychology and spirituality in Manhattan.
Another Project with great relevance is the re-initiation of the society of “Friends of Fernando Rielo”, formerly active during the 80’s in the United States. This past month, Annalisa Saccà, a professor at St. John’s University, along with Dr. José María López Sevillano and other friends, have implemented the first session of proposals for the study of Fernando Rielo’s thought, the organization of conferences, and outings, as well as discuss ways to promote the society in other cities.
Finally, was the encounter with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, in his visit to our parish of the Bronx, which included visiting the Magi Residence of the Idente sisters, the common residence of the Idente brothers, and the Faith Formation Center. Idente sisters and brothers had lunch with the cardinal, who with great affection, joy and tenderness demonstrated his support and joy for the work carried out in the Archdioceses.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” (Mt. 18:20)