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A Christmas afternoon at the Javier Diocesan Center

By 19 January, 2018January 3rd, 2023No Comments

On December 17 the Idente missionaries organized the traditional Christmas athenaeum at the Diocesan Center of Javier.

Members of the Idente family, Juventud Idente de Pamplona and Tudela, friends of the parish of Yesa, Sangüesa and from the town of Javier participated in the event. In total we were about a hundred people.

The Athenaeum started with a Christmas carol in which we all participated “making a Christmas crib in every home”. Then some children of Yesa, dressed as the central characters of the Crib, made a Christmas musical work. Then, different tipe of carols (traditional, Ecuadorian and personal writings) were interspersed with musical instruments: guitar, piano, violin and saxophone. Finally, the Idente women missionaries, along with the young girls who had been in the camp this year, performed a small play: “Christmas Surprise”. To finish we had the opportunity to talk with the people who attended, while we ate the typical Christmas sweets.

It was a beautiful afternoon, where we could feel the joy and innocence of the children, as well as the generosity of all our friends, because each one tried to give the best of themselves.