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The Idente Family of Cameroon places dialogue as a couple at the center of its work

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The Idente Family of Yaoundé-Soa organizes a monthly formation day, which begins with Sunday Mass, followed by a formative meeting, and culminates with a meal together. Some of the themes chosen during this year of pandemic were dialogue, prayer as a dialogue with God, education of children, etc., all these themes had a common link: communication.

The theme addressed last June was the psychological difference between man and woman, with the aim of getting to know the spouse even better and improving the dialogue between the two. We also studied the languages of love, discovering how each one expresses him/herself in his/her “own language” (as if it were a mother tongue). We must discover and learn this language that each person speaks in order to be able to love our spouse better. During the meeting, five languages were highlighted that we can find in the Gospel, and that Christ himself lived and approved them: kind words, gifts, services rendered, moments spent together, and physical contact. A clear example of one of these love languages is the perfume with which Mary, Lazarus’ sister, anoints Jesus.

To encourage dialogue and prayer in the couple, a Gospel text was proposed for this month to be meditated on by the spouses, and in the following meeting to share one’s own experience. The Gospel text chosen was that of the wedding at Cana.