We met this boy during the World Youth Parliament workshop on November 25, 2018. The topic of the said workshop was about “Knowing our identity as children of God through prayer”.
One thing struck me about this boy: his authentic smile. I asked him “From where do you get that smile?” and then he pointed his forefinger up to the sky. It was clear that all the beautiful things in this world including our smile come from our Heavenly Father.
We went on with our conversation.
WYP: How long have you been here in this care center for street children?
Boy: 2 years (he is now 11 years old)
WYP: Did your parents ever come to visit you?
Boy: No.
WYP: What do you do when you miss your parents?
Boy: I pray for them.
WYP: I will tell you a secret that you can do whenever you pray.
Boy: What is that? (With amazement in his eyes)
WYP: When you pray, offer you are longing for your parents. Do you know what it means, “to offer”?
Boy: Offer? Something you give.
WYP: Yes, that is true you offer it to Christ. Do not carry it alone. Give it to Him. You will feel better if you do that.
Boy: It seems like it is some magic because I experienced it just earlier this morning. I missed my parents, but then I prayed, I felt joy in my heart. I became happy again.
WYP: Your life is a prayer. So, whenever you see another boy here in this center that
is sad, talk to him and give him hope. Tell him that when we listen to this world and to ourselves, we will feel even sadder. It is much better to look at Christ, our Divine Brother. When we are sad, the evil one is happy because he wants us to be miserable. But, if we are joyful; we are giving victory to Christ. So, now, what are you going to share with the kids here, when you talk to them?
Boy: I will share with them what I have heard from you.
He immediately grabbed his two friends, and he told them to offer their pain whenever they missed their loved ones. We were amazed that his two friends listened to him attentively. It is true that whenever we share our mystical experiences, people listen. It was a great testimony of love.
We continued talking to this boy…
WYP: What is your dream when you grow up?
Boy: I want to be a priest. (We were expecting that he would say, “I want to be a doctor, engineer, architect…”)
WYP: Wow! Why do you want to be a priest?
Boy: I want to give my life to Christ. The best gift that I can give to Him is my life.
WYP: We will pray for you, and please, pray for us as well.
The boy was very happy talking to us. With his sense of humor, he added “Don’t worry, I am not forgetful. I will keep everything in my heart.”
We left him with a big smile on his face. We are not sure if we will ever see him again, but we are certain that we shared something that he can take with him throughout his life, and that is Christ.