All prepared and ready to work to celebrate the children, the great friends of Jesus, who smiling and with many expectations came to the courtyards of our parish San Alberto…
During this winter vacation, the idente missionaries from Santiago de Chile, together with some young volunteers, organized the Winter Days in our parish of San Alberto Hurtado, in Peñalolén. From…
On Sunday, April 29, the Idente missionaries celebrated the Day of the Heavenly Father, a feast that our Founding Father instituted in our Institute as a sign of our love…
The San Alberto Hurtado de Peñalolén Parish, Chile, has been entrusted to the Idente missionaries, and the inauguration will take place on Sunday, April 15. It will be the vicar…
The first Idente Family meeting this year was precisely on March 18 to celebrate Saint Joseph, patriarch of peace and protector of the Church. To begin the new council was…
Idente married missionaries and members of the Idente Family of Santiago and Valparaíso are part of the new council that has met in Santiago deChile on Tuesday, February 13, to…
Three representatives of Idente Youth Chile attended the meeting that Pope Francis held with the youth in the Temple of Maipú, a very important place for the country, since it…
Con motivo de la celebración de las Fiestas Patrias de Chile que se celebran los días 18 y 19 de septiembre, la Familia Idente organizó una tradicional “Ramada”, en donde…
El pasado 20 de agosto celebramos el 70 aniversario de la parroquia "El Buen Pastor" de Santiago de Chile con una misa residida por el cardenal Ricardo Ezzati, arzobispo de…
El día 16 de abril un grupo de jóvenes artistas de la Orquesta de Cámara O'Higgins, dirigidos por Marcial Pino, deleitaron a la Familia Idente chilena con un concierto muy…