by f. Luis CASASUS, General Superior of the Idente Missionaries. New York/Paris, February 14, 2021. | VI Sunday in Ordinary Time. Book of Leviticus 13: 1-2.44-46; 1 Corinthians 10: 31-33.11,1;…
by f. Luis CASASUS, General Superior of the men's branch of the Idente missionaries. New York/Paris, February 07, 2021. | V Sunday in Ordinary Time. Book of Job 7: 1-4.6-7;…
by f. Luis CASASUS, General Superior of the men's branch of the Idente Missionaries. New York/Paris, January 31, 2021. | IV Sunday in Ordinary Time. Book of Deuteronomy 18: 15-20; 1…
by f. Luis CASASUS, General Superior of the men's branch of the Idente Missionaries. New York/Paris, January 24, 2021. | III Sunday in Ordinary Time. Book of Jonah 3: 1-5.10;…
by f. Luis CASASUS, General Superior of the Idente Missionaries New York/Paris, January 17, 2021. | Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 1st book of Samuel 3: 3b-10.19; 1 Corinthians 6:…
by f. Luis CASASUS, General Superior of the Idente Missionaries New York/Paris, January 10, 2021. | Baptism of the Lord - Feast Book of Isaiah 55: 1-11; First Letter of…
by f. Luis CASASUS, General Superior of the Idente Misssionaries New York/Paris, January 03, 2021.| Epiphany of the Lord Book of Isaiah 60: 1-6; Letter to the Ephesians 3: 2-3a.5-6; Saint…
by f. Luis CASASUS, General Superior of the Idente Missionaries New York/Paris, December 27, 2020. | The Holy Family Book of Genesis 15: 1-6.21,1-3; Letter to the Hebrews 11: 8.11-12.17-19; Saint…
by f. Luis CASASUS, General Superior of the men's branch of the Idente Missionaries New York/Paris, December 20, 2020.| Fourth Sunday of Advent 2 Samuel 7: 1-5.8b-12.14a.16; Letter to the Romans…
by f. Luis CASASUS, General Superior of the men's branch of the Idente missionaries. New York/Paris, December 13, 2020. | Third Sunday of Advent Book of Isaiah 61: 1-2a.10-11; 1 Thessalonians…