Peace is fruit of a work in common. That is why it is necessary to learn to dialogue and to make decisions together to build this peace. This is precisely the…
In Berlin, we celebrated the 14th transit of our founder, Fernando Rielo, in a familiar atmosphere together with the Idente Family from Berlin, Frankfurt/Oder and Fürstenwalde. Due to the renovation…
In the Old Testament, a prophet was someone who brought the word of God to the people. He has spoken through the prophets; we say in the Creed. The prophet…
On Saturday, June 16, the German idente missionary Rebecca Sattler made her temporary vows at the Cathedral of Berlin. The ceremony was presided by the prelate Dr. Stefan Dybowski, in…
Every year for the weekend of Pentecost takes place a Motus Christi in our center St. Benno in Bad Lauterberg, Germany. The participants came from Frankfurt Oder and Berlin. For…
"Volta pagina!" (turn the page!): this is the name of the inter-parish mission that the idente missionaries have been promoting together with the diocesan priests of the parishes of the…
The International Motus Christi for young people will take place at the St. Pasquale Convent in Atessa, Italy, August 1-7, 2017. It is organized by the Idente Missionaries. "Do not…
Pfingstwochenende - ein Motus Christi mit Jugendlichen aus Deutschland, Ungarn, Polen und Weißrussland. Drei Tage der Einkehr und des Zusammenlebens mit Vorträgen, die uns den Heiligen Geist als Person näherbrachten,…
A Roma, nella Parrocchia di San Matteo, retta dai missionari identes, maggio è il mese dedicato ai due ritiri con i bambini che si stanno preparando alla Comunione e con…