We transmit in this Ident Bulletin the good news that, as every month, Fr Efrén Blanco sends us from Cameroon, reporting on the good pace of progress of the construction of the university parish of San Pedro and Pablo in Soa, Cameroon. It is a beautiful news for the benefactors of the work and to encourage many more people to collaborate economically. Here the brief but enthusiastic letter in which also tells us the activities of the identical mission in both Soa and Yaoundé.
San Pedro and San Pablo de Soa University Parish – Cameroon
Yaoundé on July 31, 2017
Dear friends and benefactors: This month of July, a month traditionally dedicated to vacations and summer activities, we greet you with great affection.
The work of the church of Soa has not been on vacation and has continued until the choir is finished: this is so large that it can accommodate about six hundred people.
On the other hand, within the summer activities, we have a group of 14 young people, who are trained in monastic work, study and play, as well as moments of prayer. In order to be able to serve them well, as well as the activities of the parishes, it has been providential the coming, for five weeks, of our beloved brother Enrique, superior of our mission in Paris, who has accompanied us with the joy and dedication that are his own .
We have also continued to train new teachers of Idente Youth.
The great news is that our beloved brother José Manuel Conde, one of the first missionaries who started this foundation almost 30 years ago, has already rejoined our mission team in Yaoundé and Soa, and has fulfilled his mission in Rome to return to his beloved Cameroon.