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Course “Truth, goodness and beauty in the new paths of education” promote by the Fernando Rielo Foundation and the UIMP Valencia (Spain)alencia

By 1 September, 2019January 3rd, 2023No Comments

Once again, the course organized by the Fernando Rielo Foundation and the Menéndez Pelayo International University will take place at its headquarters in Valencia. In this case the theme is “Truth, goodness and beauty in the new paths of education”, which will take place from 18 to 20 September at the headquarters of the UIMP (Palau de Pineda, Plaza del Carmen, 4). Among its objectives are to identify the new paths of education, the foundations of education in a multicultural society, the importance of the humanities and the richness of multidisciplinarity.

It is addressed to:

– University and secondary school teachers.

– PhD and Master’s students,

– University students of the different disciplines that are approached.

– People in general interested in the field of education, thought.

Enrolment is open until the very beginning of the course, if places are available, and can be done online at or through the following email: