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Two new Idente priests in New York

Idente missionaries Ditto Subin Wilson and Jinwoo (Michael) Nam, along with another diocesan deacon, received the sacrament of Holy Orders from the hands of the Most Rev. John O. Barres, Bishop of Rockville Centre, at St. Agnes Cathedral. The church was filled with friends, relatives, missionaries and parishioners from the four parishes the Idente missionaries administer in New York. Subin’s and Jinwoo’s parents had come from India and South Korea, respectively, to attend the ordination of their sons.

Subin hails from the small and beautiful village of Idinthakarai, in Tamil Nadu, India. From his early years, he spent his time in church serving as an altar boy. He was deeply influenced by the life of St. John de Britto, a missionary in Tamil Nadu in the 17th century. What touched Fr. Subin was the family atmosphere of the Idente missionaries and their emphasis on the vocation to filial holiness in common. He made his first profession of vows in Kerala in 2011 and his final vows in 2021 at Our Lady of Solace Church in the Bronx. His first assignment as a priest will be at St. Luke Parish in Brentwood. Subin celebrated his first Mass of Thanksgiving on June 11, the Feast of Corpus Christi, at St. Mary Parish, Bronx. Serving at the altar were eight altar servers who were trained by Fr. Subin himself during the time he lived at St. Mary’s. Also in attendance were his parents, Wilson and Sushila. During his words of thanksgiving, Fr. Subin spoke of how the Eucharist gave him the strength to grow in the spiritual life and overcome difficult times.

Jinwoo was born in South Korea. His first encounter with the Idente missionaries was in the Philippines, where he had gone to study English. The authentic example of the Idente missionaries in living filial holiness in common was primarily what attracted him to our community. He made his first profession at St. Luke’s parish, New York, in 2015. He studied philosophy alongside Fr. Subin at St. Johns University, and in 2018 joined St. Joseph’s Seminary for his priestly formation. His first assignment after ordination to the priesthood will be at Our Lady of Loretto Parish in Hempstead. Fr. Jinwoo celebrated his first Mass of Thanksgiving on June 11, at St. Luke’s Church. His parents and two siblings, Rafael and Micaela, were present.