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Acts in Madrid for the 13th anniversary of Fernando Rielo’s passing to heaven

By 10 December, 2017January 3rd, 2023No Comments

On December 6, the date of the passing to heaven of Fernando Rielo, thirteen years ago in New York, it was an intense day for the idente community of Madrid and Spain, as several events were held to recall the Founder of the Id Institute of Christ the Redeemer, Idente Missionaries. It began at 4:00 pm with the screening of the documentary “Be saints. The idente charism ” by Catherine Mc Gilvray, which took place in the Assembly Hall of the Conciliar Seminary of Madrid, with the assistance of the Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid, His Excellency Carlos Osoro Sierra, who would preside over the mass and who wanted to know more closely about the person and work of Fernando Rielo.

Later, at 6:00 pm, the solemn mass was celebrated in the Cathedral of Santa María la Real de la Almudena, concelebrated by the president of the Id Institute, Fr. Jesús Fernández Hernández, and by idente priests from all over Spain. In his beautiful homily, Cardinal Osoro highlighted the intellectual and humanist work of Fernando Rielo, as well as his deep spirituality and said that the religious Institute founded by him is very necessary for today’s society.

Representatives of the foundations of all Spain gathered at this celebration, as well as delegations of the foundations where Fernando Rielo has left his charism imprinted: Idente Family, Idente Youth, students of the Distance Modality of the Universidad Técnica Particular of Loja (Ecuador), among others.

After the Holy Mass, all went to visit the remains of Fernando Rielo, who are in the Neo-Romanesque Crypt of the Cathedral, where they prayed the trisagio idente, an endearing act that was also attended by the Cardinal Archbishop Carlos Osoro.