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ChiliSouth America

With a Motus Christi 35 young people are preparing to receive confirmation.Chile

By 13 November, 2018January 14th, 2019No Comments

Last Sunday, November 11, Mary’s month in Chile, we had a Motus Christi retreat with 35 young people who are preparing to receive confirmation in our parish San Alberto Hurtado, in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel, and in the parish of The Good Shepherd, where we collaborate

We started with games and knowledge activities, in which everyone had an excellent disposition to participate. Then we had a talk about the call that Jesus makes to the rich young man, leading them to reflect on the particular way that Jesus has to look at our hearts and what are the riches that today separate us from God. After a moment of personal reflection, there was another moment to share.

For lunch we ate fajitas, which had a very special flavor, since they were made with the contribution of all. After the meal, we share our impressions in groups, enriching one another with the openness of the heart. We ended with the celebration of the Mass, where the children spontaneously manifested their personal intentions, in their families and surroundings, denoting a great missionary feeling to transmit the faith. With great joy and gratitude for having shared and grown in the love of God, they received a idente trisagio, as a sign that Mary helps us to persevere in the faith.